Tuesday, February 8, 2011



She said so loud ,her own voice in the empty room startled her..
She stared to her computer screen for another minute ,the sighed and stood up...
Looking down to her dog .He was ,as usual ,panting ,with his tongue out of his muzzle..He was looking at her with his brown ,adorable eyes...She felt calm instantly.
(You agree ,don't you) ,she told him
He barked once ,and wagged his tail enthisiatically,and took one step closer to her.
She smiled
(of course you agree ,because you are such a good boy ,aren't you?)
he barked again ,and stood on his hind legs for an instant..
She laughed .It was a genuine one..
(oooo ,I think some body wants a treat)
He kpt looking at her , she thought she saw sparkles in his eyes..She knew he understood her perfectly..and she smiled again..but this time her smile was sad.
(If people were this simple . A treat would fix everything) she told her self..
She shifted her eyes to her computer screen again.
This time her gaze was distant..She wasn't really looking at the screen.It seemed like she was looking at something beyond it..
Her dog looked at her for a second ,lowered his head and rested it on his paws ,still looking at her..
(only if....) , she whispered...
on the screen ,she wasn't seeing the words any more..
The reflections on the screen hypnotized her..
She saw flash backs from her life..
Her childhood and teen years .Her choices ,and her achievements..
Then her eyes fell on the words on the screen again ,and she sighed..
She tried ,this much she knew..She would take a chance if she could ..But she wasn't sure..
Her eyes ran over the lines again..This is stupid..
(you win) ,she whispered..
Then she looked down at her dog ,who looked back.
she smiled at him..
(I think he'd like you if he met you)
Her dog barked quitely..
Her smile widened
and she looked back to her screen..
Tomorrow is another day ,she thought..
And sighed again.................................

The End

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